Differentiate to
De-Risk workshop
Then de-risking the buying decision, for your ideal clients, through effective positioning is the most fundamentally necessary work you can do today.
De-Risked Positioning to Accelerate
Your Firm's Growth
Choice is increasing, trust is eroding, and financial pressures are rising - making choosing a new consulting partner a risky decision. Undifferentiated firms are struggling to generate new business, but simply being different isn’t enough, because differentiation without context is even more risky.
Successful firms are becoming the low-risk choice for their ideal clients, and in the process taking control of the pricing discussion, decreasing sales cycles, and accelerating growth.But doing so, requires a deep understanding of how business relationships are built, the role risk perception plays in the buying decision, and using that knowledge to properly position your firm in a contextually-relevant, differentiated way.
Most firms are simply too close to the work to be able to extract and synthesize the appropriate information to do this, and organizational misalignment - disagreements between partners and key leaders - delays the necessary progress.
Over the years working with dozens of firms, I have developed positioning and growth frameworks meant to help firms effectively position their firms, build organizational alignment around this positioning, and activate across all business functions to make the positioning come to life in the minds of their ideal customers.
For the first time ever, I am offering this knowledge and experience to solopreneur consultants and smaller firms.
The Workshop
The Differentiate to De-Risk Workshop is a combination of content presentation and small group working sessions.
Concepts you will learn:
1. Why de-risking the buying decision should be the primary role of marketing and sales
2. Why risk as increased exponentially in today's market
3. How to leverage the psychology of human relationships to understand risk
4. The risk perception matrix - the 4 questions your positioning needs to address
5. Intelectual property focused differentiation
6. The interplay between differentiation and risk
Throughout the workshop you will work with your peers - other consultants and consulting firm founders - to use these concepts to develop your firm's effective positioning, as well as an actionable plan to make that positioning come to life in the eyes of your ideal clients.
The workshop will be run virtually, but I will also be hosting a few in-person throughout the year. The photos are from one of the pilot workshops I ran in late 2024.
1. Positioning Framework Presentation
2. ICP Definition Work
3. Risk Perception Identification Work
4. Risk-Minded Differentiation Work
5. Takeaways and Next Steps
Who It's For
The frameworks that I will share and you will work through have been developed over the years working with mid-size consulting firms. However, they got their start becasue I had to scratch my own itch, first as a founder and CEO of a small firm, and then as a solopreneur consultant. I have now taken dozens of other solopreneur consultants and small firm founders through this, with great success. So that's who this is for:
1. Solopreneur consultants looking
2. Founders of small founder-led consulting firms*
If you are looking to break out of the feast and famine cycle, by more effectively positioning your firm as the low-risk choice for your ideal clients, then this workshop is for you.
*If you run a firm with multiple partners or a leadership team that is intimately involved in business developement and marketing, please request a dedicated team workshop. This type of environment presents an entirely new challenge of organizational alignment around the new positioning, which needs to be addressed.